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National Youth Council

Welcome to NIED's Youth Council!

Our mission is to raise awareness and education about eating disorders, advocate for improved systems and policies to support those living with eating disorders, and to amplify youth voices in NIED's initiatives and beyond. 


We empower young individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those with lived experience, to make a meaningful impact in the space. We strive to be a catalyst for change by facilitating connections, sharing knowledge, and taking action to address the unique needs of Canadian youth impacted by eating disorders.


The Youth Council is open to collaboration and partnerships. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together.

Youth Council Members


Payton Colantonio

Meet Payton! Q: ​Why did you join NIED? A: I spearheaded the creation of NIED’s National Youth Council because I recognized the critical need to empower young individuals and provide them with a platform where their voices could be heard, aiming to drive positive change in raising awareness and supporting those affected by eating disorders. Q: Where are you in your studies/career? A: I am in my final year of medical school at the Medical University for the Americas. Alongside my studies, I am privileged to contribute as a published researcher at the Brooklyn Brain & Mind Institute at Interfaith Medical Center in Brooklyn. Q: What is your favourite way to de-stress or a self-care activity you enjoy?   A: One of my favourite ways to de-stress is by experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, allowing me to express my creativity. I also prioritize self-care by spending quality time outdoors with my dog and friends. Q: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A: I would be a dolphin. Known for their intelligence, playfulness, and strong social bonds, dolphins also symbolize compassion and harmony. These qualities deeply resonate with me, aligning perfectly with my values of empathy and unity.


Council Member

Gabriella Pelletier

Meet Gabriella! Q: Why did you join NIED? A: I joined NIED’s National Youth Council to assist in promoting and creating resources, which share accurate information regarding one’s relationships with exercise, body image, and food, so they are available to youth. Q: Where are you in your studies/career? A: I am currently in my first year of Queen's University's Accelerated Route to Medical School, studying health sciences at Queen's University in Kingston. Q: What is your favourite way to de-stress or a self-care activity you enjoy? A: Walking outside, drinking a fun beverage (I love lemonade and bubble tea) and hanging out with friends. Q: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A: I would be a Dachshund. I am jealous that they get to sleep 20 hours a day and have no responsibilities except to be happy and frolic around.


Council Member

Joshua Bell

Meet Joshua! Q: Why did you join NIED? A: Eating disorders and/or disordered eating can affect anyone of any gender or age at any point in their life. Having seen the effects that disordered eating can have on someone, I joined this Council to help break down that barrier of stigma around who can have an Eating Disorder while working to ensure better support and policies for disordered eating. Q: Where are you in your studies/career? A: I am currently attending McMaster University for Hons. BA in Political Science with a Specialization in Public Law and Judicial Studies. Q: What is your favourite way to de-stress or a self-care activity you enjoy? A: There are so many trails where we live and it's nice to be able to disconnect from everything, take the dog, and go for long walks during the spring and summer months in nature. Q: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A: If I could be any animal, I would be a crane due to its calming nature and the hope that they represent and bring people


Council Member

Diviya Leonard

Meet Diviya! Q: Why did you join NIED? A: I joined NIED’s National Youth Council because my goal is to continue raising my voice on a cause close to my heart. I am passionate about advocating for greater awareness and resources for those struggling with Eating Disorders so that everyone is able to access the support they need and deserve to recover. Q: Where are you in your studies/career? A: I am entering my final year of the Integrated Business and Humanities program (Bachelor of Commerce) at McMaster University. Q: What is your favourite way to de-stress or a self-care activity you enjoy? A: Some of my favourite ways to de-stress and practice self-care are taking my dog for walks, spending time with friends, reading, and listening to my favourite music. Q: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A: If I could be any animal, I would definitely be a dog because loyalty is very important to me.


Council Member

Nichole Sanchez

Meet Nichole! Q: Why did you join NIED? A: I volunteer with NIED because it is a team that works to cultivate a safe online presence. This is gratifying for me as it is a platform dedicated to creating and sharing accessible resources for individuals and their caretakers who are going through their recovery journey. Q: Where are you in your studies/career? A: I am a first year medical student at the University of Toronto Q: What is your favourite way to de-stress or a self-care activity you enjoy? A: My favourite way to de-stress is by going on runs to help clear my mind Q: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A: I would be a parrot because they have the power to fly and explore their surroundings. I also love to chat!


Council Member

Abby McCluskey

Meet Abby! Q: Why did you join NIED? A: As someone with lived experience of an eating disorder, eating disorder awareness is a topic I am extremely passionate about and which is very close to my heart. I joined NIED to help create change regarding the stigma, treatment, and resources for eating disorders in Canada. Q: Where are you in your studies/career? A: I've just finished my second year of my undergraduate degree in the Bachelor of Health Sciences program at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. Q: What is your favourite way to de-stress or a self-care activity you enjoy? A: My favourite way to de-stress is to play music - I play the fiddle, and I find playing even a tune or two is really grounding for me. Q: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A: I would be a sea otter, as I would love to be able to swim in the ocean but also exist on land.


Council Member

Sarah Constantini

Meet Sarah! Q: Why did you join NIED? A: I joined NIED as a way to engage in advocacy, increase awareness, and contribute to improving the support available to those living with eating disorders/disordered eating and their families. Having lived with an eating disorder for several years, and now being in recovery, my goal is to engage in efforts that will improve the system of care for those in need. Q: Where are you in your studies/career? A: Beginning a PhD in the Fall of 2024 with a research focus in the area of care for individuals living with and seeking treatment for eating disorders. Q: What is your favourite way to de-stress or a self-care activity you enjoy? A: Reading, painting, and/or going for a walk Q: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A: If I could be an animal, I would probably be a cat. They are my favourite animal and lounging in the sun all day is a huge appeal to me.


Council Member

Sahana Srikanth

Meet Sahana! Q: Why did you join NIED? A: I joined NIED to use my experience in disordered eating advocacy to create resources for affected youth, to develop educational initiatives to prevent illness onset, and to raise awareness to achieve equity within the broader community. Q: Where are you in your studies/career? A: I am a junior from Ohio in the United States, and I hope to pursue a double major in both the field of medicine and the field of public policy. Q: What is your favourite way to de-stress or a self-care activity you enjoy? A: My favourite way to de-stress is to play the piano, and my favourite composer is Einaudi. I’ve learned classical Western music for 12 years and love to create new melodies. Q: If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A: If I could be any animal, I would be a dolphin because they are intelligent, quick learners, and fun to be around!

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